Easter week was another week of progress at The Grange Hall. Our builders were tied up the majority of the days on other projects but we still managed to wrap up some loose ends on the barn Thursday afternoon.
Both doors were installed under the loft for the prep/storage area and the shop/groom room. The skirting and truss carrier supports were also installed to make us ready for patio trusses when the crew shows up next week. We also finished insulating the inside of the barn. After adding the large rolls of unfaced insulation over the spray foam our walls should hold a R33 insulation value. This serves two purposes. The first is it will make the barn way more energy efficient. The second is the insulation should absorb the sound through our perforated metal we will be installing on the top half of the walls. This should help eliminate the echo we would have had from lining the inside of the barn with metal.
The most exciting part of the weeks progress though was that Weeks Plumbing was able to dig our drain lines in for the new addition and on Friday they began setting the lines to the correct height. They should finish their rough install on Monday and we will be ready for concrete in these new rooms. Weeks might not have the prettiest part of this build but we will all be thankful for them when we have to use the restrooms! 😅
On Saturday Cody was able to finish installing the lights in the Shop/Groom area. It makes it far easier to work under the new loft now that you can see where you’re walking after dark. 😂
The builders should return on Tuesday and we are hopeful to see some real progress made next week so be sure to check back for an update!